A dark rushnyk-embroidered towel is one of the most significant ukrainian wedding customs. It symbolizes purity and hope for the future. During the meeting, the bride and groom stage on it. The person https://www.amazon.fr/50-Love-Songs-Romantic-Ballads/dp/B07KQC5MYB who primary measures on it is referred to as the family’s scalp. Traditionally, before the couple walks on it, one of the mothers ( or godmothers ) spreads it on the floor.

A traditional Ukrainian ceremony gathering ukrainische frauen mentalität typically occurs two to three days before the ceremony itself. The women had the opportunity to sew periwinkles, plant tradition trees, and perform depressing folk songs during this time. Today, these parties usually include visiting a nighttime club as well.

Before the formal church union meeting, the bridegroom may visit his future in- laws to «ransom» his spouse. He was accompanied by his parents and other male relatives who offered the females of his intended hats and rushnyk. He then bargained with the Bride’s household, asking questions and receiving presents in returning. The couple’s relatives would even try to substitute other women for the Bride until he paid a compensation.

Numerous friends give toasts to the honeymooners during the reception, which are greeted with congratulations. Every toast ends with the word»hirko,» which means «bitter,» indicating that the newlyweds may love because love may sweeten the harsh things in life. The partners furthermore consumes a cup of beverage as a sign of their coalition and wishing them good fortune in the future.

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